Why Is SEO So Important?

June 16, 2021

Why Is SEO So Important?

Whether we are looking to make a new purchase or searching for an answer to a question, most of us use search engines to find our answers. Regardless if you are typing your question into a browser or asking Siri or Google a question on your smartphone, search engines are an integral part of our everyday life. They are often the first thing we interact with when we wake as well as go to sleep.

According to Forbes, the SEO industry is poised to reach $80 billion in services.

Search Engine Optimization—or as it it is commonly known by its SEO acronym involves multiple approaches such as keywords, content, back linking, image optimization and more.

When implemented properly, SEO can drive a 14.6% conversion rate, which means it’s an excellent tactic for lead generation. To put that in comparison, direct mail has only 1.7% average conversion rate.  As a marketer or small business owner, making sure your client or business is at the top of these search results is absolutely crucial to leveraging search engines.

Investing in SEO is important, especially when you consider these compelling statistics:

  • 74.9% of all desktop and laptop searches are on Google
  • 96% of mobile search traffic is done on Google
  • Over 5.5 billion searches are performed on Google every day
  • 46% of all Google searches are local
  • 16% of mobile users prefer voice search or a search engine app
  • 82% of marketers notice a rise in SEO effectiveness
  • 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine
  • 50% of searches are four words or longer
  • 18% of local searches lead to a purchase

Overlooking the importance of SEO will leave your brand and your website at a disadvantage at a time when you can least afford it.

In a time of such of economic uncertainty thanks to the impact of COVID-19, SEO is by far one of the most cost-effective investments of time, energy and dollars you can make into your business.

To understand why it is so important to having your business ranking on the first page of SERP (Search Engine Results Page), consider the fact that 75% of users don’t scroll past the first results page. While social media is a major source to connect and begin a relationship with your customers, search engines drive 300% more website traffic than social media.

Keeping It Human

Contrary to common belief, SEO has a lot to do with understanding human behavior than it does with technology. Understanding what people are searching for online is fundamental. Finding the answers users are searching for and leveraging the associated “key words” can’t be understated.  

Having insight into what your prospective customers are typing into search engines is essential into formulating a winning SEO strategy.  Knowing this part of the equation is only half the battle. The other half is implementing the other best practices throughout your website which this blog and others SEO related blogs will help you with.

Interested In Learning More?

Amplify believes in a more human approach to advertising. Let us demonstrate how you can reduce wasted ad spend and time to conversion by implementing an omni-channel strategy that amplifies your SEO, Paid Search, Content and Programmatic strategies. If you would like to learn more about shifting your marketing strategies to grow your marketshare and bottom line, let’s have a conversation.  

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