Managing An Omnichannel Holiday Marketing

December 9, 2021

A cohesive omnichannel marketing strategy is valuable all year long, but it is critical during the holiday shopping season. Omnichannel allows you to target customers where they shop for greater reach and better returns on ad spend. 

With Investopedia predicting the average American will spend $998 on food, decorations, and gifts in 2021, a data-driven omnichannel approach ensures you reach them. Yet, despite its critical nature, managing an omnichannel approach isn't always straightforward. 

How do you manage a successful holiday marketing campaign? Gather data, focus on important questions, and make your approach highly personalized.

It's All About Leveraging Data

Do you know who your customers are? Do you know where and how they shop? Data gives you the insights you need to apply your marketing efforts effectively. But more importantly, beyond the data, you need it merged into a clear and concise picture.

Start with your own set of data, collected through Point of Sale (POS) systems, cookies, and other first-party models. This gives you valuable insights into your current and former customers' shopping habits, demographics, and more.

Then layer in additional data from second and third-party sources, like suppliers, marketers, and publishers. Amplify, for example, deploys millions of points of data on consumer behavior, demographics, location, and interests. This wide scope of information helps us paint a highly accurate portrait of potential customers.

Every layer of consumer data helps you drill down to a highly targeted segment. You'll know what your ideal customer is shopping for, where they prefer to shop, when they shop, and even what competitors they are comparison shopping with.

Consumer data at this micro-focused level ensures your omnichannel holiday marketing campaign makes the most efficient use of your resources.

Focus on the Where, the When, and the How

No matter what you find out about the shopping habits of your current and prospective customers, the key questions you need to ask are where, when, and how. 

For example, are they shopping through social media, in-store, through email marketing campaigns, or even through the Google Shopping experience? 

When are they shopping? When it comes to holidays, different consumer segments will head into stores (or online) at different times. Just think about the last-minute shoppers versus those who plan ahead. These are two unique demographics you'll want to target.

Finally, how. Is your audience shopping: in a brick-and-mortar store, on their mobile phone, or via another platform like Amazon? Once you have these answers, you can roll them into an omnichannel but highly targeted holiday marketing strategy.

Programmatic Perfect for Omnichannel

Programmatic is one of the most effective tools within the omnichannel methodology. It's an automated and data-driven technology that bids on ads in the online marketplace in real-time. It works based on consumer interests and demographic and location-based intel. 

It's one of the only ways to ensure your personalized ads reach current and potential consumers at the right time and place. Most importantly, in a cost-effective way.

Want to learn more about what Programmatic Marketing can do for your brand? Check out how we used a Programmatic Campaign to drive in-store foot traffic, leading to a 100 percent sold-out product launch.

Advertise, and Make it Personal

With all this data, you can ensure your message is highly personalized. Why do you want to tweak your ads and message? Because increasingly, that's what people are expecting.

According to a recent survey highlighted by Forbes, four out of 10 millennials want advertisements relevant to their interests. A full 90 percent of people surveyed reported that impersonal and irrelevant messaging was "annoying." 

What's even more fascinating is how younger generations seem willing to share even highly personal information if it would save them money. This same survey reported that almost 70 percent of millenials would let insurance agencies see their fitness tracker information if it results in lower premiums and personalized coverage. 

Your customers want personalized messaging, and you need to employ it across all channels. 

Successful Omnichannel Marketing is Data-Driven

Theoretically, you can run an omnichannel holiday marketing campaign without data. But, you'll find significant ad dollars are wasted, targeting the wrong consumers through the wrong channels and all at the wrong times.

Leverage the data gathered from your networks, and upgrade it with Amplify's expansive geospatial and demographic consumer databases. Comprehensive information allows you to find your customers where they shop to deliver a personalized message. This results in no wasted ad spend and a much greater chance of capturing some of that $998 annual holiday spend.

Interested in Learning More?

Amplify believes in a more human approach to advertising. Let us demonstrate how you can reduce wasted ad spend and time to conversion by implementing an omnichannel strategy that amplifies your SEO, paid search, content, and programmatic strategies. 

If you would like to learn more about shifting your marketing strategies to grow your market share and bottom line, let's have a conversation.  

It's not just about blasting your message and branding across every platform within your reach. You need intelligent targeting focused on your specific clientele. Effective omnichannel marketing needs a cohesive message and a smooth consumer experience, no matter where your customers find you. 


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